A safe diet not only improves your health but also helps you lose weight permanently. Learn the 4 signs of a safe diet and 2 balanced diets that will help you lose weight safely and easily.

Principles of a diet without weight loss:
- balanced diet;
- reasonable limits;
- gradual decrease in extra pounds;
- supplying the body with all the necessary nutrients.
If these conditions are not met, it is not possible to observe for more than 3 days, and even better - to organize a one-day landing.
To get rid of 5 to 10 pounds or more, you need to choose extremely balanced methods.
Types of harmless effective diets
Absolutely harmless diets do not exist as they always suggest the presence of restrictions that put stress on the body, get used to new foods and work somewhat differently. At the same time, there are very effective diets, the observance of which causes minimal, even purely symbolic damage to health (if we talk about the adaptation of the body), and also allows you to improve your health, to feel very comfortable. They do not achieve their results too quickly, but they persist for a long time and often forever. In this respect, moderate diets whose name speaks for itself are considered optimal.
Weight loss is a gentle method of proper nutrition based on the use of healthy foods and the rejection of unhealthy or over-calorie foods. Compiling a menu on a gentle diet is fairly straightforward and is the complete opposite of traditional "hungry" diets. It is designed for 21 days with a weight loss of up to 4-5 kg.

The essence of sparing weight loss is that two menus are offered for each of the three weeks, alternating every other day. It is obligatory to consume celery, which speeds up the metabolism.
First week
Option 1:
- breakfast - a cup of milk with a teaspoon of honey, obsolete bun;
- lunch - sandwich of black bread, butter, a slice of celery, tea without sugar;
- lunch - vegetable soup, a slice of boiled beef, 2 potatoes in "uniform", cabbage salad with celery;
- afternoon snacks - pieces of vegetables, biscuits;
- dinner - 250 ml of low-fat kefir, sandwich with black bread, butter, a slice of celery.
Option 2 number:
- breakfast - sandwich of black bread, butter, a slice of celery, tea without sugar;
- lunch - 250 ml of low-fat kefir, black bread sandwich with butter, vegetable salad with beets, celery;
- lunch - chicken soup, a serving of boiled fish, 2 potatoes "in uniform", herbs, celery;
- afternoon tea - fresh fruit, biscuit biscuit;
- dinner - a cup of milk with honey, 2 slices of black bread.
Second week
Option 1:
- breakfast - fresh fruit with 3 croutons;
- lunch - sandwich made of black bread, butter, feta cheese;
- lunch - vegetable soup, lean meat, carrot salad with celery, jelly;
- afternoon tea - biscuit biscuit, orange;
- dinner - a slice of obsolete bread, a cup of milk, honey.
Option 2 number:
- breakfast - black bread, jam, tea with milk without sugar;
- lunch - black bread, a slice of skinless chicken, herbal tea without additives;
- lunch - low-fat borsch, boiled fish, salad with beets, celery;
- afternoon tea with milk crackers;
- dinner - low-fat cheese, tea without sugar.
Third week
Option 1:
- breakfast - black bread, jam, coffee;
- lunch - boiled egg, black bread and butter sandwich, vegetable slices;
- lunch - mushroom soup with herbs, celery, low-fat slices, fresh vegetables;
- afternoon tea - apples, biscuits;
- dinner - 250 ml of natural yogurt, obsolete buns.
Option 2 number:
- breakfast - milk with honey, biscuits;
- lunch - 2 black bread and sausage sandwiches without fat, vegetables, tea without sugar;
- lunch - fish soup with pieces of meat, vegetable stewed celery, two baked apples;
- afternoon tea - biscuit biscuit, orange;
- dinner - black bread, boiled fish, celery, apples.
The basis of the weight loss soup method is a soup made according to a special recipe. This method of weight loss is the safest for the body and is very good for recovery. It promotes weight loss, cleanses toxins and has a positive effect on the gastric mucosa.

To make the soup you will need:
- onions - 7 pieces;
- celery - to taste (at least 1 bunch);
- cabbage - 1 head;
- salad peppers - 1 piece (green);
- tomatoes - 4 pieces (fresh or canned).
Chop all the ingredients, pour water, then cook - for 10 minutes with vigorous boiling, for 30 minutes while boiling. You can add a little salt, but just before eating. We can change the recipe a bit by adding other vegetables, but not potatoes.
In addition to the soup, you should definitely add the following foods to your diet:
- the first day - fruits;
- the second - vegetables (except legumes, potatoes);
- third - vegetables, fruits;
- the fourth - 250 ml of skim milk, 4 bananas;
- fifth - 400 g of boiled beef, 6 tomatoes;
- sixth - 400 g of cooked chicken, with the exception of any vegetables, legumes and potatoes;
- seventh - only brown rice.
The best part is that the soup can be consumed in any quantity as soon as you feel hungry. The diet was designed for a week. It is quite easy to follow, while weight loss can be 3-4 kg.
Benefits and harms of a popular diet
The benefits and harms of diets depend on a number of factors:
- period;
- the severity of the restrictions;
- varied menu;
- the presence of stressors;
- contraindications.
Before deciding on a diet, you should consider all the pros, cons, and risks of the diet so that the result does not disappoint or lead to long-term management of the consequences of weight loss.
Protein free
The essence of a protein-free diet is to limit the amount of protein to 20% of the total nutrients consumed per day. In this case, drink at least 2 liters of clean water if there is no contraindication.

The benefit of a protein-free diet is that it helps get rid of the above problems. In addition, reducing the amount of protein that enters the body can lead to weight loss, but only with a properly balanced diet.
The beneficial effects of a protein-free diet are based on the principle of stabilizing metabolism. Although nutritionists believe that this technique has almost nothing to do with weight loss because it does not work well with physical activity, it can lead to muscle tissue damage and loss.
If you follow a protein diet, the reason for weight loss may be that the composition of protein-free foods is high in fat and carbohydrates. Therefore, this technique is essential as an adjunct treatment in the presence of certain diseases, but it is absolutely useless and even harmful for weight loss.
Gluten is a vegetable protein found in grains that fluffy baked goods. For those who want to lose weight, the technique is quite effective, providing:
- weight loss with minimal effort, up to 3 kg per week;
- intensive purification of toxins;
- a low-calorie but balanced diet;
- a varied menu that does not exhaust the body.

It should be borne in mind that gluten is found not only in flour but also in many other products - cereals, meat products, semi-finished products, sauces, confectionery, canned food, alcoholic beverages, packaged juices. In addition to a gluten-free diet, only fresh natural products are generally allowed:
- vegetables, fruits, honey;
- eggs, meat;
- legumes, soybeans, seeds, nuts;
- gluten-free flour and cereals (buckwheat, corn, millet, rice), potato starch;
- butter, vegetable oil.
For those who want to lose weight on a gluten-free diet, the diet will help:
- get rid of 10 kg in one month;
- establishing the work of the digestive system;
- get rid of toxins, slags, radionuclides;
- normalizes sugar levels.
Excluding the main sources of gluten - cereals - from the diet results in a lack of fiber, many vitamins and minerals in the body, including important ones such as:
- iron, calcium;
- B vitamins;
- folic acid.
Protein (low carb, no carb)
Protein is a great way to lose weight without feeling hungry. This technique, considered one of the most effective weight loss systems, involves the use of a fairly wide variety of foods that provide the body with almost all the necessary ingredients. However, the benefits and harms of a protein diet are directly proportional to the extent of its limitations.

There are so many options for such methods, many of them are called low-carb or carb-free, but the essence of each stems from the fact that the diet is based on protein.
Reasonably reducing the amount of carbohydrate foods and adding protein products and fiber to your diet has a positive effect on your health during weight loss:
- the fiber and protein are digestible for a long time, providing a long-term feeling of fullness;
- proteins support cell regeneration, which contributes to the good condition of the skin, which often loses weight;
- fat deposits are broken down to provide energy to the body until new stores are created due to a lack of the main carbohydrate supplier.
If you follow a carbohydrate-free diet, you can experience harmful side effects:
- increased fat burning causes the formation and accumulation of special compounds in the blood - ketones that penetrate the urine, provoking a dangerous disease - ketonuria;
- inadequate nutrition of the brain with glucose reduces mental performance;
- excess protein increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and tumors;
- rapid removal of water from tissues, preventing active fat burning, results in severe dehydration;
- lack of vitamins or minerals reduces immunity;
- delayed, difficult or insufficient bowel movements (constipation) do not provide good quality bowel cleansing, lead to accumulation of toxins, retention of toxins.
Salt free
Salt-free foods were originally developed for therapeutic purposes, but since a noticeable weight loss can be observed as a result of their use as the condition improves, it has been accepted by many dieters. Although the benefits and harms of avoiding salt through improper use of a salt-free diet can be completely immeasurable, as health damage can nullify any effort to get rid of excess pounds.

Salt is not only an additive that improves the taste of food, but is also an important element in ensuring the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, a properly formulated salt-free diet does not preclude the use of salt, but limits it to a minimal amount.
A salt-free diet is based on the following principles:
- rejection of harmful products (fried, fatty, smoked, spicy, salty);
- consumption of steamed food (especially vegetables);
- fractionated five meals a day in small portions.
Salt-free food helps to:
- eliminates the consequences of excessive salt intake;
- improves health, general well-being, the appearance of the person;
- get rid of excess weight, cellulite, edema.
A salt-free diet is completely contraindicated in two cases:
- during periods of extreme heat;
- with increased physical exertion.
The buckwheat diet is also considered one of the most effective ways to lose weight, as this cereal is low in carbohydrates but high in fiber, vitamins and trace elements. At the same time, the technique based on the use of steamed buckwheat has its advantages and disadvantages, and the harm of the buckwheat diet depends on its characteristics - duration, requirements, restrictions.

Buckwheat can lose weight in one or more days, and it also allows you to take just one porridge or supplement it with other diet products. The most severe buckwheat weight loss lasts 14 days and involves the use of only one steamed buckwheat in any quantity. A small fat-free kefir and at least 2 liters of clean water are allowed. The diet of less stringent buckwheat diets includes vegetables, fruits and other low-calorie foods.
Nutritionists call the main benefit of buckwheat the ability to cleanse the body and regulate metabolism. After a lot of feasts, it is useful to unload such a porridge to get rid of the accumulated harmful substances. In addition, the benefits of buckwheat porridge are due to other useful properties:
- immediately after the buckwheat is converted, the process of removing excess fluid begins, which contributes to rapid weight loss;
- After 2-3 days, instead of fluid, fat deposits begin to break down and excrete;
- hunger is practically not felt, as porridge can be consumed indefinitely, while the body does not receive additional carbohydrates with calories, but vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, natural fibers.
Buckwheat mono-diet is categorically contraindicated:
- in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases;
- diabetes mellitus;
- during pregnancy and lactation.
In such cases, you can take a less strict version of the buckwheat diet, which has a balanced diet and includes many other healthy foods.
Low calorie
Reducing calorie intake for weight loss is the most common method of weight loss. However, reducing calorie levels to a minimum is extremely negative for health. In particular, the dangers of a low-calorie diet become noticeable if it is continued for a long time for no apparent reason. The essence of most of these techniques is to consume no more than 800-1000 calories per day. At the same time, low-nutrient and low-energy diets are preferred.

The benefits of a low-calorie diet can only be talked about if prescribed by a healer and a doctor for medical reasons. Such a diet is recommended only in case of obesity, in case of significant overweight, which leads to the development of serious complications. In these cases, reducing the caloric content helps to improve the patient’s condition, but this technique should only be followed until normal weight is reached. You then need to move to a rational eating system.
The second case where we can talk about the benefits of a low calorie diet is the days of fasting. A day of reasonable fasting will help the body cleanse itself, get rid of toxins, remove excess fluid and normalize its work. Prolonged fasting for weight loss can greatly damage your health.
Calorie restriction in the diet has not only insufficient energy intake, but also more serious consequences:
- vitamins and other beneficial substances are much less well absorbed, immunity is significantly impaired;
- fat deficiency leads to disruption of cell renewal and growth processes;
- Due to the lack of the required amount of fatty acid, depressive states, attention deficit disorders and schizophrenia develop.
Reasonable weight loss is a long process that does not tolerate haste as the pounds dropped in a dramatic way return.
Drinking is considered one of the toughest because it entails a complete rejection of solid food. You may have limited consumption of liquid foods and snacks. Anything that is drunk is suitable - dairy or sour dairy products, broths, any drink, including sweets. Only soda is not recommended. Another prerequisite is that its duration should be exactly 30 days. As a result, you can achieve significant weight loss, but when we talk about the benefits, it is purely theoretical, as it is only described by proponents of the technique.

The authors of the weight loss drinking system argue that such a diet has sufficient nutritional and energy value to meet the needs of the body, so discomfort can only be psychological. Purely in theory, they promise:
- in the first stage - cleansing of the hollow organs, as evidenced by the appearance of body secretions and mucus spots on the tongue;
- then the kidneys, the liver (dense organs) begin to cleanse, accompanied by unpleasant sensations in this area;
- the last stage takes place at the cellular level.
As a result, the weight loss should be 15 kg, while the harm of a drinking water diet will actually be real and not "promising".
All the problems that arise during or as a result of such weight loss are not so much due to the strict requirements of such a technique, but to its duration.
A day of fasting can have tangible health benefits, but a 30-day fast is stressful, leading to irreversible processes in the body.
In the event of improper exit from such a nutritional system, the body may refuse to eat, which is fraught with the development of anorexia.
The term "swollen from hunger" is a term for a medical pathology that becomes more pronounced during the drinking water diet.
Of course, in a month of hunger strike, you can completely get rid of 15 kg of excess weight. But the benefits and harms of such weight loss will be absolutely incomparable as health leaves you with your weight.
The effect of weight loss on rice days is based on the cleansing of toxins and toxins, as rice is able to absorb all harmful substances and then remove them from the body. At the same time, the complex carbohydrates found in cereals provide energy for a long time, creating a feeling of fullness. Of all the options in the rice diet, the most effective are those based on a pre-soaked rice porridge breakfast followed by a 4-hour stay from drinking and eating. This technique allows you to significantly lose weight and cleanse the whole body.

In addition to removing all the excess from the body, rice saturates it with B vitamins and amino acids that have a positive effect on the brain, nervous system condition and appearance. In addition, the rice diet allows you to:
- get rid of 10 extra pounds in a month;
- normalizes metabolic processes;
- improves the work of the digestive system.
However, not everything is that simple, as there are not only benefits, but also some harms to the rice diet if followed for a long time or breaking the rules.
When performing a cleaning function, rice not only washes out harmful but also useful substances. In this case, selecting all the salts makes it difficult for the heart muscle to function. Cardiovascular problems, diabetes and kidney stones can also appear. To avoid such a result, it is not recommended to stick to the rice mono-diet for a long time, as weight loss can be achieved at the cost of irreparable damage to the body.
Energy diets
Diets can be classified not only according to basic parameters such as duration, menu, severity of restrictions, their benefits and harms. Nonetheless, most weight loss methods have one thing in common - they involve the use of certain natural products or ordinary foods. In addition, there are systems based on the partial or complete exchange of food with specially formulated foods - cocktails.

Energy diet cocktails are characterized by the following properties:
- may replace or supplement the usual diet;
- allows you to control your daily caloric content;
- helps get rid of extra pounds;
- supplies the body with proteins, vitamins, trace elements, amino acids;
- give a reward for liveliness and activity.
These properties are really useful, but there is nothing unique about them - they are all possessed by the usual healthy food.
The main advantage of cocktails is their simplicity of preparation, but they lose all meaning when you consider the rather high cost of such products.
The benefits and harms of cocktails are widely discussed by experts and consumers of these products. In the end, it all depends on how rationally they are used and whether their use makes sense.
Cocktails can be harmful if used for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or more often. Replacing a meal really helps to normalize your body weight. Although the result depends solely on the correctness of the composition of the whole diet.
"Golden" rules for weight loss without damage
Competent disposal of excess pounds is based on adherence to several important rules. The main principle is that weight loss should be harmless. This requires:
- Slow weight loss - weight loss does not exceed 4 kg per month, more intense weight loss results in hidden and obvious health problems, many organs and systems are interrupted, various diseases develop, chronic diseases worsen and as a result the kilogram losthe returns quickly.
- Speeding up the metabolic process - this can be done with a properly formulated diet, or you can add substances that activate metabolic processes, such as apple cider vinegar, which is drunk before a meal by diluting a tablespoon in a glass of water. .
- Drink plenty of fluids - water also speeds up the metabolic process, helps promote the active breakdown of fats and reduces hunger.
- Eliminate strict diets - too strict restrictions are only allowed on fast days.
In addition to these rules, there are requirements without which no method of weight loss will be effective:
- the caloric content of the diet should be calculated according to the required minimum caloric content, taking into account individual characteristics and lifestyle;
- the menu must respect the balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
- the basis of the diet should be your favorite or at least acceptable food, otherwise weight loss will be uncomfortable and ineffective;
- cannot set unattainable goals - the reduction of weight indicators must take into account the specifics of physiology, shape, age and other individual parameters;
- it is essential to monitor the state of health, in the event of a sudden deterioration in health, stop weight loss and consult a doctor.
In addition, it is not recommended to suddenly start and end your diet. You need to be physically and mentally prepared for this process. Weight loss is by no means achievable - it should aim to improve health and prolong life.